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Growth of single crystals, magnetism and transport properties are at the heart of condensed matter physics, solid state chemistry and materials science. We are mainly interested in metals which can be either a magnet or a nonmagnetic substance but often come with topological features in the electronic band structure. Our team brings in expertise both from physics and chemistry to understand the systems at hand starting from complexities of crystal growth and structure to magnetic, electrical, and thermal transport properties. We also take advantage of inhouse and beamline-based spectroscopic and diffraction techniques, and high magnetic field facility to gain knowledge about our systems.    

Dr. Nitesh Kumar (Principal Investigator)  




Assistant Professor    
Condensed Matter and Materials Physics  
S. N. Bose National Centre for Basic Sciences
Room: 425  
Telephone: +91-33-2335 5706/07/08 (Extn. 214)  


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